Archive for October 2014


“Beside them the Heavens dwell
And they sing among the branches”
Psalms 114-12

Morning love
In the stillness of a break time rest
Even as each leaf silently floats to the ground
Ponder this
Your Heavenly Father knows all things
And he loves you unconditionally
In your little nest k

My Kin

Etching giant circuit boards
Puzzles hitch the sky
Aqua hues meet snow perfumed
Puffs of Haze on high
Horizons in the air so light
Lengthy long shorelines
My happiness above the fray
Exhumed so far behind
The master painter eyeing on
Who blew them all away
Distant lands are calling me
Balloons in bunting flight
I fly within this rainbow kite
I sense my kin in sight
Excitement wells within my heart
Time won’t keep apart

Kg. ’14Above the Clouds

Speak Truth

“These are the things that ye should do.
Speak ye every man the truth to his neighbor;
Execute the judgement of truth and peace in your gates.”
Zechariah 8-16

We all have fears …
One thing for sure is that God is sovereign and knows all.
We do not; and that is why we need to diligently seek him in all we say and do.
There comes a time when we have to stand up for what’s right and speak it with Gods wisdom.
Sometimes we think that it’s ok to watch bad behavior happen; but at times that does not truthfully, do any good.
Let the chips fall where they may?
Truth is:
There are times when it does not take care of itself.
People need to know the truth.
Speak the truth and then … let the chips fall where they lie.
After much prayer and supplication and the patience of waiting…
Speak the truth in a Christlike manner. Then you are free and God’s mighty power rests on you; and the rite place where you can soar.
Let us use the wisdom of all the facts married with scripture, mercy, humility and love
And speak the truth

Carry on
You re so loved k

Living Water

Today is a misty rainy day.
Out for a back yard stroll
Walking the narrow woodsy path
I feel the the windy spray.

Thinking of this verse …
“Whosoever drinketh of this water
That I shall give him, shall never thirst again ;
but the water that I shall give him, shall be a well of water,
springing up in his soul, springing up into eternal life.”

He Knows You

Have you seen the commercial for verizon? I love it!. The Sales girl knows everything that the boy is thinking. Well in real life This is true with our Lord And Savior Jesus Christ.
We read in John about Jesus in Samaria. He is tired and thirsty and He meanders over and sits by the well. In the middle of a very hot day there is a woman at the well. In The Custom in the day; the women would frequent the well in the cool part of the day and not in the hot part of the day. But she was there unbeknownst.
But Jesus knew. Jesus knew everything about her; without her even knowing.
Jesus knows everything about us. He knows about all of our flaws, our idiosyncrasies. And He knows about all of your fears and is here to help you and to to heal you. He wants to give you all of the things that you could ever want or need.
The woman at the well was amazed that He could help her even in the midst of her problems.
He loved her unconditionally.
He is our source of all that we need.
Why do we struggle? Let Jesus be your Lord of all. Lean on Him and He will be your every Victory.

Have a great and victorious day. You are so loved k

Wakeup Call

Each new day as I wake up
Before I drink, before I sup
Eyes and ears and heart to God
I Look up, He fills my cup

My life set in His providence
We know not what the day brings hence
Nothing’s worth a stress breakdown
Since walking out of Tizzy-town

Adhering to His wake up call
Safe, secure and in His Plan
Assured of peace, He is my all
I am led by The Masters hand

Each new day as I wake up
Before I drink, before I sup
Eyes and ears and heart to God
I Look up, He fills my cup

Kg. Wakeup call ’14

Mornin Prayer

” Freely you have recieved; freely give”

Dear Lord This Morning I pray
Thank you for all that You have sacrificed for me
The Mercy that I have recieved, let me give unto others.
Teach me humbly; to forget myself in the way
And to live for You in Your tender ways alone k

Myriad of Fears

Somebody out there, is hurting today
And their burdens are heavy
Too much to say
A load on their shoulders
A myriad of fears
All they need to know is that Jesus is here

He died on a cross for every one of those tears
If you believe; He’ll come in to your heart right there
And lift all those cares
With a new heart within
His grace Your forgiveness
For all of your sin


Music Boxes

Taken by the hand of Jesus
To a mansion white
Music boxes linked together
For a time that’s right …

The code unlocked, A blessing song
A treasured symphony
A song for you, a song for me
The Blessed Trinity

The Instruments in concert form
All hail King Jesus His Name
All singing Holy Holy Lord
The Lamb of God was slain

The Music boxes synced together
On Cylinders that turn
Oiled to perfection
As they serve and as they yearn

Beautiful the song plays on
On mountain sacred high
While angels heard with trumpet sound
His Glory rides the sky

Hallelujah … Lord of all things
To The King of Kings
Hallelujah He is coming
His Hearts forever sing

Hallelujah … Lord of All things
To the King of Kings
Hallelujah … He is coming
His Hearts forever sing

Rest well tonight friend
You so loved

Kelly S Griswold

He Knows All

“For now we see through a glass darkly;
But then we shall see face to face
Now I know in part; but then shall I be known
Even as I am known.”

And now abideth Faith, Hope, and Love
But the a Greatest of These
Is Love

Tis true, We do not know everything now.
We place our Trust In The One who knows All and saved from a life of misery and pain. Our Savior “Jesus Christ.”
One day we will go home to see our Blessed Savior; and we shall see it all clearly.
And Isn’t it so wonderful to love God together with each other; to pray for each other when times get rough.
All the gifts that have been given to us by God himself.
Let us shine em brightly
One to another for Gods great glory.

Have a super new week friend, Sharing His Love! K