Archive for November 2018

Do All for Jesus

Everyone goes through tough situations
on the path of life; whether at home or on the job.
In these situations we learn to call upon God to help
us to stand firm in what we know. What is it that we know?
We know that our worth is in Christ; and it is not to rest
upon the mere opinions of others. To Christ our worth is
immeasurable stable and unmovable.
I remember my beloved Mother, who was full of God’s wisdom
used these words to enlighten us

“When you go to work,
Go to work for Jesus!”

Share His love and
You won’t go wrong.
Have a great day friend

Social victory – Servant of Christ
Assured position – Servant of Christ
Peace-Wellbeing)- Servant of Christ
Happiness – Servant of Christ
Inspiration – Servant of Christ
Rest- Servant of Christ
Eminence – Servant of Christ

Whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God
I Corinthians

Trust Him in all things friend; no matter what the circumstance. God will bring to pass all the good plans that He has for you. Everything will work out for your good; you who love the Lord with all your heart, mind and soul.
Sometimes things don’t seem like they’re going as well as you expected; but give it time: God solves every problem that will ever come your way. You have the victory in Him. Continue in fervent prayer. The fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much. He hears you friend.
Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart.

Have a super day
For every day in the Lord Jesus is good day!
You are beautiful
And you are so loved k