Archive for April 2011

Happy Easter

Not I, but Christ be honored, loved, exalted

Not I, but Christ be seen, be known and heard

Not I, but Christ in every look and action

Not I, but Christ in every thought and word
Ada A. Whiddington

Easter is the season in which we all love, honor and exalt Christ for The Crucifixation (For all He has done for us through His loving grace and mercy at the cross).

He took every sin throughout all mankind and bore them in His heart. His heart burst baring all our sins. He carried all our sins down to hell. Three days later the power of God raised Him from hell and left all ours sins there, so that we would never have to pay the price again.  This is our salvation; that Christ died for our sins so that we will not see death but have eternal life with Him in heaven.

Afterwhich He ascended into heaven and He sent His Holy Spirit to be with us. When we are filled with His Holy Spirit we are equiped through His power to withstand any and all evil that could ever come against us.

Do you know just how much Jesus had to love you to do this for you? Christ knows your every need and He knows exactly when to meet those needs. We have to only believe in Him, trust Him and live for Him. Does that mean you will be perfect the minute you invite Him into your heart? No, but as you continue to live in His power, you will overcome those problems that seem to hinder and plague you. Have patience and know that He is always with you. He has everything that you need,.. even though it is beyond your comprehension.

My Mother always taught all of us in our family; that Christ our Saviour is the only one we should treasure (more than anyone or anything in this world). She taught us not to let anything in this world take Him from our hearts.  She reminded us that if you put Him first in your life, He will make you victorious… He met her needs every time and she had the most challenging.. of circumstances that could come to anyone’s life, so He will meet yours too.

Remember this Easter all the joy Jesus has brought to your life and the sacrifice He made to allow you to live for His Glory. This is a time to celebrate the passion of Christ and His empowering Resurrection. He is the confidence you need. Live every day for Him and Him alone. Christ is not only in heaven He is here, He is alive, He is risen and He wants to come into your heart.

Not I, but Christ be honored, loved, exalted

Not I, but Christ be seen, be known and heard

Not I, but Christ in every look and action

Not I, but Christ in every thought and word

Let’s live in His Resurrection, Saints!

Love Always, Kelly

Song “My Loving Saviour”