Holy Spirit Reaction
Each time you feel the urge
To react in kind to someone who hurts you
That same thought purge,
And replace that thought with love
Forgive and resist knee jerking
There’s a better way
Ask the Holy Spirit to empower you
Turn the other cheek and live
Untangle anger without fear of loss
Surely He’ll diffuse the pain
Love that one as you yourself were loved by Christ himself
With soft and healing gentle rain
Sometimes uttering not a word
Except the word of God
To melt a thousand icebergs
Give them Jesus love in return
For as Jesus covered you
While yet in your sin
His love covers a multitude of sin
Melts frozen rivers into peace
Your heart will thank Him once again
By Kelly S Griswold
Christ Our Mercy Seat
I walk boldly to the throne
Through the blood He shed for me
By the cross, of Christ I am sanctified
I humbly bow at His mercy seat
He’s the hope of my Salvation
His mirth I have, I am redeemed
I walk assuredly, with head held high
The glory of my faith in Thee
Ksg. 23
Morning worship
Take Me Over
Sanctify my heart anew
I surrender all of me
Give my life to you
Jesus, you’re the blessing true
Nothing more to want or need
Fill me daily with Your selfless ways
To glorify and live for Thee-“
Upon the cross you bound my sin
And nailed it to the tree
My God my everlasting peace
My perfect victory
Morning praise
Ksg. 23
A Hospital ( A Haven of Rest)
The Church means people; people that know they are saved by grace. They don’t act like they’ve arrived; but they know that they need a Savior and are called to live according to God’s purpose for their lives. They are in a constant state of forgiveness for others; because they know they have been forgiven. This whole world is full of hurting people.
The church body is a group of people who love others just as Jesus (who is God) does. He left His glorious home in heaven, just for us because He loved us all. He loved all those that He encountered; unto the point of His death on the cross for us.
“For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him shall not perish and have everlasting life.” John 3:16.
Church is also people that support each other in the ultimate God given task to help and to lead others to His heavenly Grace. So if a church of people can treat all who enter, with unconditional love, they will see Jesus’ face; and grow together.
Paul gives a good description of what God’s church should be, in First Corinthians 12 and 13. We all have God given gifts that make the whole church complete. God’s pure sweet love grows in us; as we have His unconditional love in us for others.
The church is like a hospital where everyone comes to get well. Whether babes, children, youth, singles or adults; everyone must feel wanted. None of us is perfect, we are all just forgiven, saved by His grace, cleansed by His blood and healed in His name (Hallelujah!) Spread the word! That not one be lost. Love them into the Kingdom. Jesus is the way
By Kelly Sampson Griswold
The Esplanade
Save me a seat at the esplanade
The perfect time surely is nigh
There’s no more tears in the clearing
The place where our eyes can fly
Floating so freely o’er sunset bay
Above the deep blue mackerel sky
The day will come, when the trump will sound
With angels He’ll come in the clouds upon high
All the violins will sound sweeter
and the church bells will ring in chime
For the time, I am bewailing
Where there are no more goodbyes
Eternal peace with Jesus
In perfect harmony
By the green grassed fields forever
There’s a mansion in heaven for me
Save me a seat at the esplanade
That perfect time surely is nigh
There’s no more tears in the clearing
The place where our eyes can fly
By Kelly Sampson Griswold
Ksg. 23
Who Remembers
Who remembers?
Pretty as a pic
I remember that night
When I was six
Curlers tightly set
My head hurt a bit
Sleeping very soundly
When I woke with a fright
I cried “Mom my curlers!”
They’re pinching me tonight”
With a hop skip and jump
She came right to my aid
“We must suffer to be beautiful”
Her soothing voice did say
She put some Ponds cold cream
Into the palms of my little hands
We rubbed our hands together
It helped me forget
Never mind the mere pinches
That danced upon my head
I was thinking about tomorrow
I’d be beautiful by then
Kelly S Griswold
Our Response
Whenever I am feeling down, I draw close to Jesus in the quiet. He is my peaceful sanctuary in good times and in bad.
Life is full of ups and downs; and that will probably continue. But God is so good. He loves us so much. It’s all in His great design for us to grow stronger and closer to Him. In these times; we are being molded into His image. His love is perfect. He is always with us; and He never fails us. We look to Him and He shows us His way. It’s all In His perfect love for you.
-I always remember my Mother, who said how important our response is in difficult times. I haven’t always reacted the right way in tough situations; but I have learned to get right back to Gods way through sincere apology. Love and forgiveness wins the day. A friend once spoke it to me this way … “Listen to the still small voice of the Holy Spirit.”
Oh what a peaceful feeling it is
to sit in His presence, and meditate on His Word (God’s Holy Bible)
“Be still and Know that I am God” Psalm 46:10
You are so loved by our great and mighty God.
His name is Jesus; and He died to tell you so.
Kelly S Griswold
To be the benevolent hand that leads
Be deeply kind and generosity driven
Heed the call of the soul in need
Be true to God’s word
His word was made flesh
His name is Jesus Christ
He is truth and He is love
The wise in heart see
With the eyes of His grace and compassion
They live in the humble place
Sowing seeds of love and new life in others
By bearing the fruits of the Spirit
In the power of The Holy Ghost
Love, joy, peace, forbearance, patience
kindness, goodness,
and self control
Not in judging
But in helping, teaching, and affirming
The good progress in others
Forgetting the stain …
In Gods loving realm remain
Be led to lead selflessly
For in the pureness of love
Sometimes losing is gain
Avow to listen patiently
Scoping the heart’s true pace
Hearing the sound of a frown
Feeling the expression on someone’s face
Lifting up ne’r tearing down
With respect for others who are in pain
To find the true core of the need
We Must listen … With the heart
Listen …
And listen …
Once again
Kelly Sampson Griswold
Come a Time
Come a time; it will be over
In the twinkling of an eye
He’ll meet us in the clouds of glory
Our feet will leave here, come a time
We share in Christ’s long suffering
Where He saves, we walk new sod
Fan the flame, His power, love strong
Mercy’s graces, gift of God
Come a time; it will be over
In the twinkling of an eye
He’ll meet us in the clouds of glory
Our feet will leave here; we will fly
Not for the faint of heart, in learning
Holy Spirit, strength of dawn
By His word, we reap His victory
Faiths opposition, long since gone
Come a time; it will be over
In the twinkling of an eye
He’ll meet us in the clouds of glory
Our feet will leave here, come a time
Kelly S Griswold
Light of the World
John 8:12 “Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying, I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life.”
Sitting up tonight. The Christmas tree lit with brightly beaming light, shining through the Chandelier overhead. Winding down, my heart is reminded of the star that shone over the baby Jesus. Jesus who is the light of the world. He shines His light of love into our hearts everyday. Be loved my friend and rest well tonight