Speak Truth
“These are the things that ye should do.
Speak ye every man the truth to his neighbor;
Execute the judgement of truth and peace in your gates.”
Zechariah 8-16
We all have fears …
One thing for sure is that God is sovereign and knows all.
We do not; and that is why we need to diligently seek him in all we say and do.
There comes a time when we have to stand up for what’s right and speak it with Gods wisdom.
Sometimes we think that it’s ok to watch bad behavior happen; but at times that does not truthfully, do any good.
Let the chips fall where they may?
Truth is:
There are times when it does not take care of itself.
People need to know the truth.
Speak the truth and then … let the chips fall where they lie.
After much prayer and supplication and the patience of waiting…
Speak the truth in a Christlike manner. Then you are free and God’s mighty power rests on you; and the rite place where you can soar.
Let us use the wisdom of all the facts married with scripture, mercy, humility and love
And speak the truth
Carry on
You re so loved k