Archive for May 2019
Perpetual Porch Light On
On an old familiar country road
Done kickin up the dust
With every little nook and cranny
Loved past wanderlust
At the end of the road, beyond the bend
A gate, always unlatched
Where your ne’er a stranger, but a friend
In love no strings attached
A country cabin, sits back lone
Perpetual porch light on
With rocking chairs and moccasins
For stories, told till dawn
With fire aglow and featherbed
We’ll all sleep when sleep is due
With Gods’ abundant love bestowed
Neath the grace of another moon
Ne’er a stranger lovely love
I miss you when your gone
God love you and protect you
Perpetual porch light on
Kelly Sampson Griswold
Listening To The Spirit
Hearing the beautiful birds singing this Mornin. I love their predictability and consistency.
Clearly yodeling out a song for you and me and for the new day. Some of their songs are carefree,
light and airy tunes that grace the ears; and some are gutteral and deep like a thick bed of green
velvet moss that’s been growing for years. And you belong right there along with them.
Soar right out there friend, like a bird. Let the world see your beautiful smile. Let them hear your song.
As your gearing up for the new week, keep in mind that all the new challenges that you will meet
in the forest of your dreams have already been met by your maker Jesus Christ first.
Surrender your ways and thoughts to Him and filter them through Him throughout the day to His ways;
and you will see things in whole new way; in His love and benevolence.
He will keep in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on Thee. Is. 26:3
Meeting God as you wake each morning and taking Him with you through the day ensures the peace you need.
If circumstances come your way that are difficult … And they come … Remember …
You are more than conquerers through Christ who loves you and strengthens you.
Keep yielding yourself to God and He will give you all the love you need; and desiring to be like
Him is all you need. Soon it’ll be spillin over the brim of your cup and touching others for His good.
Trusting Him, day by day turns into month by month and year by year.
This kind of love builds and carries, year after year in peace and Happiness that is deep within you.
When the yodeling comes from way down deep, it’s like a belly laugh.
This happiness is as constant as a blue birds song in the morning.
Have a great day, filled with God’s perfect love and wondrous fulfillment xo
Do not be afraid; for you are worth many sparrows
-Matthew 10:31