Archive for February 2016


Always keep in mind,
A Spirit of love and reconciliation is paramount
To a happy and peace filled life.
Forgiveness eases the beating heart.
Your health and well being depends on it.
Keep love in your heart,
And your garden of lavender dreams
Will grow like wildfire.
Keep no record of wrongs.
If you have a difficult assignment,
God will help you again and again.
Best example … Christ love for you k

Come a Time

Come a time; it will be over
In the twinkling of an eye
He’ll meet us in the clouds of glory
Our feet will leave here, come a time

We share in Christ’s long suffering
Where He saves, we walk new sod
Fan the flame, His power, love strong
Mercy’s graces, gift of God

Come a time; it will be over
In the twinkling of an eye
He’ll meet us in the clouds of glory
Our feet will leave here; we will fly

Not for the faint of heart, in learning
Holy Spirit, strength of dawn
By His word, we reap His victory
Faiths opposition, long since gone

Come a time; it will be over
In the twinkling of an eye
He’ll meet us in the clouds of glory
Our feet will leave here, come a time

Kelly S Griswold