Archive for April 2019

Stand Still

God is bigger, God is more
Than the flak, that is hurled at you
The love you give, in the name of Jesus
Comes through the rented door

Though, the diverse pain oppress
Don’t fear or shy away
For God, and His word is with you now
Forever, it will stay

He surely comes, in the knick of time
No step beyond His will
For you are His and He is thine
All is calm, His peace, be still

All In Him child, put your trust
The opposition falls
His loves abides
His victory rides
Whether short or awaited
The time

Kelly Sampson Griswold

Morning Hymn

Letting go of our will, humbly
Rest in God thy good
His wisdom warms our hearts this morning
Newly understood

Our lone desire to live life strong
In Jesus all our days
Infiltrate Your wondrous love
Into our hearts and ways

Holy Spirit strengthen us
Fill us once again
Though the road is difficult
Your power will sustain

We thank You Jesus for all things
The glue that holds us tight
In everlasting unity
With grace our wings take flight

We glorify You dearest Lord
We live and breathe Your Name …
Sweet respiring wind from You
Holy Spirit fill our frame

Our lone desire to live life strong
For You Lord all our days
Infiltrate Your wondrous love
Into our hearts and ways

Words and music
By Kelly S Griswold