Archive for March 2019

Return of Spring

All the Happy little Blackbirds
Returning to the brook
Nestling in the trestletrees
Feathering their nook

Back and forth the chit chat
How was your winter too
I’m back for pears and berries
How wonderful the stew

Springtime must be near now
Or so it seems, we wait
When we see the bluejays
Spring has sprung it’s gate

Kelly S Griswold

A song and a smile for your day
All your troubles fly away k

Your “Good Enough”

“Therefore there is no condemnation to them that are in Christ Jesus
who walk not after the flesh but in the Spirit.” Romans 8:1

Christ on the cross has freed you from your past sin and it’s pain.
You are healed in Him. He has wiped your sins away at the cross on Calvary;
as far as the east is from the west. He is looking at you right now and
sees you as white as snow. Gone, is that dejected feeling of “Not good enough.”
You are unconditionally loved by God, because of the Cross. The moment you
accept Him into your heart, you are living in His righteousness.
You are more than a conqueror. You are more than good enough.
You are Beautiful in His sight. You are accepted by God Himself;
the Maker of heaven and earth; of all things seen and unseen.
Surely, as the new born day, you are His shining diamond.

Did you know that God loved You before you even thought of loving Him?
Look to Him only, and not to anyone or anything else for your self
esteem and well being. He loves you. That is what matters.
You are safe for eternity in Him. You are worth much more than you can ever dream.
In His strength you will triumph over rejection of any kind.

Christ himself was rejected and despised by men.
Yet He had compassion for those who rejected Him.
All the way to the cross.

You have His victory in your heart. Your victory is in Him and
remember you are His shining diamond! Carry on.

Have a great day friend
