Archive for July 2016
He Sings the Song
Help us oh Lord
To have a teachable Spirit
A compassionate mind
And a heart filled with love
Attuned to You
Perfectly atoned
With a faith that endures
Sharpened and honed
When doing what is right
Can sometimes feel so wrong
We cannot rest till we know
Until He sings the song
When all that we ponder
Is past all the pain
When letting go is kindness
Patience has her way
While rejoicing always
All Joy in His will
To Lose surely gain
While loving still
To love in all the right ways
Selflessly lowly tide
Seeing things through Jesus eyes
With right holy bide
When doing what is right
Can sometimes feel so wrong
We cannot rest till we know
To let Him sing the song
Kelly S Griswold
Nature of God
The very nature of God, enfold you
Fill you so warmly with peace
His grace is the power you need my child
For hurts only love can release
Let’s, let it go, let The Love in
Beginning with you and with me
Where the floodgates of Heaven are flowing
In the light of His glory, we’re healed
Cool, are the waters of cleansing
To forgive and be forgiven within
Feel the pressures escape in the moment
His love and His mercy come in
Kelly S Griswold
Have a beautiful evening friend
Morning Song
Living in Gods’ strength
His mercy and His grace
Flowing with His power
Looking to His face
Revitalized, our humble hearts
Each moment in the dance
With His love instilled in us
His strength and permanence
Each morning feel the dew
Touching on our face
Ever thankful birds eye view
As we run the race
Kelly S Griswold
Morning Song
Have a great day friend
You are so loved k
Tonight friend
After the dance
A midnight stroll
Where the trails end
And meet waters edge
We skip a few stones
Across the Pond
Closer and closer
They lightly coast
Winding down
Their beats afloat
Tapping the tears
Always thinking
They sunk too soon
Filtering out
The Worlds ere noise
Subsiding, till asunder hush
Inviting warm incoming rest
With Gods right arm
To set me down
In perfect time
Twill ease on in
The new and beautiful
Grace filled morn
God bless
Kelly Sampson Griswold
I’m Gonna Stay In Love
Lining rooftops high and low
Like dominoes falling icicles
Past my own sight dim and low
Peddling lightning on bicycle
And I’m gonna stay… In love
Mercy, mercy me
I’m gonna stay… in love
His beacon over me
I don’t want to cry … no more
Faith revived and energized
I’ve died a million times to fear
Tired of being … Paralyzed
Baseball cards in rhythm song
Wound up tight elastic drum
Inside spokes, the harp plays on
Easing, soothing, childlike hum
Safe in sight, in God’s mind eye
Beyond my routes capacity
Angels on my shoulders high
With Jesus setting my soul free
And I’m gonna stay … In love
Mercy me mercy me
I’m gonna stay in love
His beacon over me
Kelly Sampson Griswold