Archive for April 2021
His Perfect Love Turns The Tide
“And we know, All things work together, for the good, for those who love God and are called according to His purpose.”
Romans 8:28
All that we endure
Has a purpose and a time
For growing perseverance
With Christ’s power deep inside
Sometimes, we don’t see clearly
In our feeble finite mind
The glass is only dimly lit
But it need not ever bind
Holy Spirit lead us
On Hope’s high ground, we bide
Jesus strength, that conquers all
Surely, turns the tide
By Kelly Sampson Griswold
New morning song
Jesus Softer Than The Falling Rain
“Jesus love” “Softer than the falling rain”
The healing rains
Precious there, a broken heart
Ne’r a weakness to impart
Tis strength disguised, in humble gates
Artful waves of streaming tears
With healing wisdom, as it waits
Learns to lose, because of love
Jesus love . . .
Softer than the falling rain
True love gains and lives again
Where new dreams doth emerge and call
Fills the hollows up with grace
The island stands not merely lone
When water all around it’s shores
Keeps it buffered for a time
Until the island meets it’s form
Where substance of our faith is born
by Kelly Sampson Griswold