Archive for December 2017

A New Years Prayer

“Your crown overflows with your bounty
Your cart overflows with your abundance”
Psalms 65

Happy New Year dear one

May your New Year be blessed
Happiness unfold
Love, peace and wisdom
All you can hold

In His wisdom and His love
Trials circumvent
Walking with the Saviour
Confident and bold

From the promise of the dawn
Your golden future sown
In your heart His nurturing
His harvest surely grown

By Kelly S Griswold
A New Years Prayer

God’s Word

“Thy word is a lamp unto to feet
And a light unto my path”
Psalm 119 – 105

Mornin friend
In doing a little vacuuming this morning,
I noticed a light directly in front the Vacuum.
Sure makes it easier to see what’s ahead; all that needs to be vacuumed, and what does not need to be vacuumed.
Gods word is exactly like that ; a beaming light projecting onto where we are standing, and to where we are going. The word actually transforms us by the renewing of our minds and leads us into the way everlasting.
We read His word and hide it in our heart.

Gods word shows us the path that Jesus has set for our life. Without Gods word, we are left to our own control; and we wander …
With the New Year coming, God has such a great purpose for all of Our lives He will guide and protect and direct us as we draw close to Him in every area of our lives.
Bells are ringing in the New Year, closer and closer to the heart of Christ, directed by the light of His word! Headlights on and go!
Love k

Christmas Bells in Clover

Even though they’ll be no ring
Or message, on the phone
There is a love light, shining bright
Above my headboard roan

Safe within my heart, heaped up
Sweet Presence, present there
A silver tinseled tree of blue
In hues of Jesus here …

Memories, so strong and wise
Of root and rung and rover …
My heart aglow, with her bright grin
Christmas bells in clover

Reminding me, of love that sings
Her lullaby, ne’r over
With all the Love, that Jesus brings
Christmas time in stover

Thinking of you, Mom
This Christmas Time
And always …

Kelly S Griswold

The Beautiful Kite

Proverbs 3:5-6 “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; an lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy paths”

The Beautiful Kite

Investing the time in building the kite
A string and it’s strength… and a test of the fight
When all of a sudden, The wind took to flight
The tension grew tight, I held on for dear life

(Fly away pretty for your own sake
Fly away beautiful; string don’t you break)

Just past my reach, in the great big sky
I let go, and Let God as petty flew on by
The one in control of the wind and the tail
Would protect the wild kite
Until safely in veil

(So fly away pretty for your own sake
Fly away beautiful; string’s they do break)

I remembered the Charge
Never hold on too tight
In God’s love, trust is freedom
and all is quite right
kg. 14

Inspired tonight by gale force winds.

Stay warm friend
Rest well and sweet dreams