Archive for March 2014
My Beautiful Family
On His gentle wings we soar
His Mercy brings the morning
All our hearts to Jesus sing
Gratefully rejoicing k
Thank you Lord for my beautiful family….
I love them so much
My only prayer is that they are all
Happy, Healthy and Safe
In your precious love
With the warmth of Your touch
They are always protected by You
As they fly to their Dreams
In their wonderful life
That You have uniquely designed for them
Thank You for being their strength
They are so very beautiful
Each in their own special way
Thank You always Lord Jesus,
Freedom in Christ
“Therefore there is no condemnation to those that are in Christ Jesus.
For the law of the Spirit of life has set you free in Christ Jesus from the law of sin and death.
For God has done what the law, weakened by the flesh, could not do.
By …sending His own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh and for sin, He condemned sin in the flesh
In order that the righteous requirement of the law might be full filled in us who walk not according to the flesh
But according to the Spirit.
God is calling you to the best love of all. Himself.
And oh how He loves you and me!
Where the Spirit of The Lord is, there is freedom, happiness,
And belonging. It’s a haven of rest and He who seeks it will find it.
Peaceful,mornings, serene sunrises, happy horizons.
As you walk today perhaps pondering the hardship of your life, look up into the sky. There is an eagle soaring free …. Higher and higher with freshly oiled wings; for God has set his wings anew in a strength not of his own.
That eagle is you. The eagle may cry for a time but if he endures … That is when he soars!
After much pain of molting, the reward is that the whole body is renewed.
We as Gods children learn to trust Him through trials and tribulations. He rebuilds us anew in His strength. Stronger than before.
And He has set you free! The Christian life consecrated unto God isn’t always easy, but with the power of the Holy Spirit, is as triumphant as a newly restored Eagle flying high in the haven of it’s rest.
Have a beautiful Sunday friend
Walking and soaring in His love k
He Cares For You
“Therefore humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God
That He might exalt you in due time; casting all your cares upon Him; for He careth for you. First Peter 5:6
Thank You God for teaching us that it is You who takes care of ALL our circumstances no matter how dire they may seem.
It is so nice to know that when we close our eyes; You are still awake watching over us all.
Learning this truth, this trust building faith
Is paramount To our well being … Sleep child
God never sleeps k
Keeping All Harm at Bay
Time to rest your weary eyes
That sparkle like the midnight stars
On a clear and moonlit night
Whether near or whether far
I’ll always think of you and pray
That God is keeping all harm at bay
I pray for you each night my friend
That your peace will never end
Walk a Mile in My Shoes
Good morning friend
As you wake this morning
God is so pleased to be with you
Praise be to God. He will lead you,
And carry you through this new day with the warmth of His love.
I love that saying “walk a mile in my shoes”…
Every pain you may be going through
He has gone through it for you
He goes through every trouble with you.
He sent to you a Comforter “The Holy Spirit”
To live inside you and to help you live
To guide you
Unto all truth and to
Know the power of His love.
When I feel alone or troubled
His Spirit inside me speaks of Jesus
Gives me hope
He reminds me that I will make it
Because I trust in Jesus
“I will ask the Father
And He will give you another helper
To be with you forever
Even the Spirit of truth”
John 14:16
He loves you so much
And He will never leave you or fail you k
Peace I leave with you
My peace I give unto you
Not as the world would giveth
But give I unto you
Let not your heart be troubled
Neither let it be afraid
For lo I’m with you always
Until the end of the age
John 14:27
God’s Strength
Humble yourselves
In the sight of the Lord
And He will lift you up
James 4:10
Dear Lord
Be with me and all my loved ones
Throughout the day
Draw us close to You
Each and every moment …
It’s a hard world out there
But with You and your power
Help us to let our light shine for You
In Your loving ways throughout the day
You give us the strength to live victoriously in an insane world
May your day be Chock full of love, joy peace, patience kindness
Gentleness self control; the simple happiness
Of keeping our minds attuned to You.
Hands to work, Hearts to God
Have a great day k
Close Your Eyes
Close your eyes
Rest your weary mind …
Leave your tension my loved one
Far far behind …
Escape away skyward
Till mornings sunrise …
May you not be awakened
Till renewed and revived
For you to feel blessed
A Special wish and a prayer
That you will know His peace
His music you’ll hear
How eminently beautiful
You truly are in His sight
Drift off to sweet dreamland
Hush now and good Night k
God Reliant
Jesus is the way, the truth and the light
We walk by faith and not by sight.
Have a great day friend
Leaning on the wall of His strength.
“Be joyful in hope
Patient in affliction
And faithful in prayer. ” Romans 12-12
He who holds back the waters
And keeps you from drowning
Keeps you safe from everlasting to everlasting
In His arms of love
We have peace because we rely on Him
Our Comfort
“The Lord bless thee, and keep thee:
The Lord make his face shine upon thee,
And be gracious unto thee:
The Lord lift up his countenance upon thee,
And give thee peace.”
Be blessed dear friend …
The Lord blesses and keeps His people from harm
He is our life line and our sanctuary
Our lamplight in deepest darkest night
Our safety, our comfort
Our all
As long as We have Him, We shall not fear the arrow by day
Or the terror by night
For He is with us wherever we go and protects us the whole way through k
Know Your Worth
Good morning love
God is love
The Giver of life
Refreshing as brisk cool water
Upon your beautiful face
His grace is renewed toward you everyday
Know that you are loved by a great and mighty God
Each morning as you look in the mirror
Remember your worth
He has made you
More precious than a jewel
Glistening in the sun
Now we know
Love covers a multitude of sins
Keep moving in that love
Loving and forgiving one another
As Christ has loved and has forgiven you
Keep glowing for His crown
Òn the path that He has set before you
So that others can see
In the power of the Christ
Every toxic feeling of not good enough
Is washed away
As in the pureness of the first winters snow k
Have a great day k
Kelly Sampson Griswold