Archive for July 2014

Patient # 19

Only Jesus can heal my Soul
A soothing salve for my hearts’ aching…
What I need and what I’ll be
It’ll lie in the Arms of My Lord
I may be only Patient number nineteen
To one who’ll take a cursory look at me
But to Him, I am a Diamond, Pristine
And He loves me unconditionally
Only Jesus can satisfy
To The deepest Depths of my Souls longing
What I need and what I’ll be
It’ll lie in the Arms of My Lord
I may be only Patient Number Nineteen
But if You’ll microscope a deeper view
You’ll come back with your hearts eye all attuned
See the facets of a hundred brilliant hues

There is a river that flows inside of me
Where Healings waters flow…. effervescently
From side to side, atop a bridge complete
Look no hands …Look and see…

Only Jesus, through catalyst
Transforms affliction, into belonging
What I need and what I’ll be
It’ll lie in the Arms of my Lord

I may be only patient number nineteen
to one who’ll take a cursory look at me
But to Him I am a Diamond Pristine
And He loves me, unconditionally

Only Jesus can satisfy
To the deepest depths of my souls longing…
What I need and what I’ll be
It’ll lie in the arms of MY Lord

Kelly Sampson Griswold

More Like You

Dear Lord ThankYou for your Grace …
Strengthen our faith and give us Peace
Flowing onward like a river of love …
We long for you …

You who set the sun and the stars in the sky, We give You thanks, and praise.

Even when we are weary … We find our solace in You; our shelter from any storm.
In You, we dwell and move and have our being. We are Your offspring, and we belong! You are a very present help in time of need. You are our safety. You are our rest.

As we read in Your Holy word
“He that dwells in the secret place… Of the Most High…Shall abide in the Presence…Of His shadow.” Psalms 91:1
You are our refuge… And strength. As We live and breathe, and go to work each day; we work in the capacity of the gifts you have given to each of us. We listen to Your still small voice for direction and comfort. We are at peace as we draw from you. We trust in You. We know that there is no other hope, than the hope of You. Let us show your love in each response to others, as we go about our day. Let us see you in the heart of everyone.

We learn to heed to Your ways moment by moment; and not our own. This takes enormous yet minuscule effort; to surrender our will unto thine. We learn to trust without taking control; leaving our cares behind; and to grasp Your will for the greater good. This kind of faith glorifies You Lord. It is humble and selfless.
You are enough.
You love us, and that’s what matters. You keep us in perfect peace, when our minds are stayed on you.
We learn from our mistakes in the power of the Holy Spirit. When we make mistakes, You are faithful to convict us Lord; and yet You love us just the same. You are there to help us and gently show us Your Way. Your Holy Spirit is in our hearts to teach us and to protect us and to lead us, the way back home to a perfect loving relationship with You.
Where we belong. That is when we are happiest; with You. You are our home filled with unconditional love.
You made us all differently with special characteristics and gifts Lord. Your people are so exciting; all fearfully and wonderfully made. Keep us close to You Lord in word and action.
Let us grasp onto the hope and the rope of salvation in You; the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. We wait on You in Your strength. Strengthen us at this time oh Lord to be satisfied and comforted; in You and You alone. Fill us with thy statutes. In Your perfect love we will have Victory over all that tries to hurt us and prevail against us.
We want to be more like You.
Through You, and Your-sacrifice for us on the cross for us; we are as a precious lamb washed as white as snow. You alone are the Holy one. You alone are the most high; and wherever you lead; we will go. You give us The strength to carry on, Amen

“I will say of The Lord; He is my refuge and my fortress; my God; In Him will I trust” Psalms 91:2

The Little Things

Suns out in it’s fullness today, and the sounds of a myriad of songbirds are shouting out the news! So pretty outside today. Gods beauty reflecting off the water brook in a kaleidascope of color; especially the hosta greens. They remind me of a big fanning umbrella; such a glorifying and beautiful sight. I’m out for walk in these backyard wild gardens, just past the wise owl sighting, and boom! What a hoot! Teensy weensey little green apples on the apple tree!
Now I know it doesn’t take much to float my boat, but that one sight just tickled me pink! I’ve waited all my life to grow even one little apple! Thank you Lord for the little things!

Psalm 91

“He that dwells in the secret place
Of the Most High
Shall abide in the presence
Of his shadow
I will say to the Holy One
You are my refuge
And wherever You lead me
I will go”

Psalm 91

Your Worth in Christ

It’s not about status that matters
For you are worth far more than gems
It’s about whose you are and who made you
The King of Kings who said …
“Come unto me all who are heavy laden
And I will give you rest”
Come into His shelter from the rain
On His shoulder lay your head
He will forever wipe those tears …
Round you with-seraphim

He shall give His angels charge over thee
For He careth for thee
Psalm 91:11


Look How Far You’ve Come

Many a rocky road we travel on
To get where we are going.
Sure feels great; the wisdom of looking back and
Seeing just how far God has brought us
So glad that In the quest of looking for real lasting love and purpose
We have a Savior who heals us, fulfills us completely and makes us whole.
Rest your head on Gods soft pillow tonight


Unconditional Love

Remember to see the beauty in others
That no one else can see
With Holy Spirit Power
That forgives and loves and frees
Each one of us has His laminin
He holds in stormy seas
And no matter what transpires
Rough waters someday cease
You just keep on caring
With a heart of empathy
The left hand will forget the right
The Lord has set you free
Love them just for who they are
Love them as you should
You’ll be glad you loved them
The Jesus in you does them good
Someday all the love is felt
Down the road they see
That you have always loved them
On the way to eternity

You are so loved …
Kelly S Griswold

Sweet Fragrance

The fragrance of the air so sweet
Rises with you now
The cadence of the song you sing
So healing to the brow
In looking up the tears will fall
But beautiful are they
The cleansing power of Jesus Name
Your new hearts
Sun bouquet

Stop Fighting

Whatever you’re fighting …
God’s already won the battle!
So stop fighting … (:

Psalms 139

How precious are your thoughts unto me oh God.
How vast are the number of them
If I were to count them
They would outnumber the sands of the sea
And if I were to complete them …
Still …
Thou art with me

Psalms 139