DTM Concord
Up in Concord today at the coffee shop this mornin. Sipping coffee and gazing out at the Skyscaped windows. The early morning sunlight breaking through the sky is such a cathartic experience for me with splotches of bright azure blue.
Simple laughter and light banter begin to fill the room. Echoes of life, in suits and white shirts, as well as sweaters and pretty blue jeans saunter around, they grin with a sprite hello, as if a squirrel’s stash of nuts spilled over and just couldn’t be contained.
I begin to smell the familiar yeasty, robust, rising, of crusty breads permeating my senses.
These walls are infused with all that’s “happening” on chalkboards of love and business in the community. Everyone gets a free newspaper in this coffee shop and a kind and caring word. Life is poppin!
Every morning a nice lady opens up the coffee shop at the crack of dawn.
Out comes the first steamy loaf. She quickly tip toes over and puts a hot fresh slice of Heaven onto my table. A good morning, and a tear wells up. Such kindness here.
Well, hats off to penning a few thoughts to this good, new day; the music of the senses.
God bless you with kindness wherever you roam, friend.
You are so loved by a great and mighty God
His name is Jesus and He died to let you know.
Have a great day k