Posts Tagged ‘God is our guiding light’

The fog was quite thick yesterday

sThe fog was quite thick yesterday, reminding me of my recent trip home from Virginia. It was so thick you could cut it with knife.
It was more difficult at night. I Thank God for a friend with nice beaming red tail lights leading in front! The semi trucks flickering light became my friend for many miles.
With little light, your senses must be very keen. Many situations call for all of our sen…ses to be heightened. Thank you Lord for those senses that have saved my life so many times, and in more ways than physically driving a vehicle. Many times Cavernous, the places in which the heart must go; to know that we are always in Gods realm of protection. For even in the fears in our Psyche so deep that we cannot see; The Lord is there and well aware before we are. He keeps His angels charge over thee. He is faithful even in our fragile and most precarious times. I cannot tell you how many times I have seen dimly and was protected and guided by God, the whole way. He was always there, in times where I was lost or didn’t even know where I was going. Being totally directionally challenged; immediately calling out to God has never failed me! Such as in our life’s sudden situations; we don’t need to know all the answers; just give Him the helm. Trust Him to light the path in every situation. He is our light and our salvation in all things. Even though we cannot see things clearly; we must always trust Him in the midst of the fog. I am learning to trust Him more and more each day. My healing is in the safety of His love.
“For we see through a glass, dimly, but then face to face; now I know in heart; but then shall I know even as also I am known.”
And now abide Faith, Hope, Love, these three; but the greatest of these is love.
Have a great day k
You are so loved