His Heart, My Gaze
“He has shown thee oh mortal, what is good
And what doth The Lord require of you
To do justly, and to love mercy
And to walk humbly with Thy God
Micah 6:8”
Look up unto the bright Sun
Feel the warmth from up above
There’s a power in being selfless
Fueled by Gods’ pure love
Thank Him for His mercy
Look to Jesus not below
His provision is quite perfect
In His precious plan we go
Holdfast the new course running
He’ll show you the way
His Peace is like a river
Flowing through your heart today …
His law written pon
Your heart deep within
The Grace of His mercy
Covers all your sin …
Walk on in the Spirit
Walk on in His love
His peace forever inyour heart
With His power from above
Kelly S Griswold