God is Faithful

God is Faithful

Psalms 83:18
” That they may know that Thou alone whose name is The Lord art the most high over all the earth.”
Do you know that God, the most high has sovereignty over all kingdoms and gives it to whom He will? God is in Control of everything. God is sovereign. He has a good plan for you that will last forever. God will give you what you need and provide more when He sees fit; because He knows what we need. God is our best advocate and provider. Earthly desires can easily consume us unless we put God’s will first and foremost in our lives.
You will prosper in Him. The desire to glorify Him must out weigh any other thing that we could strive for; such as glory, fame or power. This can certainly cause us to be controlling ourselves, which ends in futility; peddling needlessly on a never ending tread mill; still unsatisfied.
Paul said ” I am content in rich or in poor. So why are people striving so much for wealth and power and have gotten … relatively nowhere? Only through Christ, can we see clearly. In and of ourselves; we haven’t progressed; except to gain more strife. All we really need, is to be living each day for God because of His sacrifice and love for us. Live and breathe each day in gratitude and love in The Lord Jesus Christ. Love others as yourself. Giving all of your stresses to Him is paramount to a peace filled life. He knows what’s best. Remind yourself of that.
Go easy on yourself and others. God loves you more than you could ever dream.
Continue to be faithful, in the gifts that He has given to you. No matter what has been given or taken from you. He, who stands with you forever, has a plan for you that stretches far beyond the stars. His plan is perfect in love and is everlasting.
We can help others to see, that humility and kindness, are not signs of weakness. They are signs of the strong who are at peace with God.
For we know. Only Jesus satisfies the soul.
Stand firm in God; He is sovereign.

Have a great day walking in His sunshine

Kelly Sampson Griswold

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