

One day
The tears fell like rain
One by one
Hitting the frozen tundra
I heard Him call out my name
I felt His love and warmth
I learned to let go and let God
To breathe. To trust in Him
Faith was given freely to me
By a great and mighty God
His name, Jesus
Who died on a cross for me
And broke asunder, the chains
That were choking the life out of me
Gone was the stagnancy, the heaviness
The stench of death
My sin and It’s pain
His blood had cleansed me
My debts had been paid by Him
The burdens of my heart had drifted away
A new heart was beating in me
In a new way
Freedom was in it’s rightful place
Freeing up my lungs
To breathe …
Breaking forth new wisdom and understanding
Birthing in me
New life and peace
For eternity

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