Archive for October 2024

The Lighthouse

I know that there’s a lighthouse
That watches over me
Shines across rough waters
Where I’m blind and cannot see
Showing me direction
Making me wise
And it shines so very bright
I cannot close my eyes
You opened my eyes Lord
A new place tolled
You made me a rock
Made me a rock
Never to roll…
Rapture streaming down my face
I looked up to see…
That ole Lighthouse was shinie
And the foghorn resounded for me…
You opened my eyes Lord
For a new place tolled
You made me a rock
Made me a rock
Never to roll…
All glory to the Lord of hosts
That led me on to shore
With His mighty voice, He called my name
Moved me safely to the moor
Glory to God our Lighthouse keeper
Thy word a beacon bright
Your light has shown for all to see
Gone the blight of night

Words and music by Kelly Sampson Griswold

The Change He Brings

Change comes harder than diamonds

Or as soft as an apology

Change comes harder than diamonds

Or as easy as obedience to God our King

Change comes harder than diamonds

Or easy when we say “I could be wrong”

Change comes harder than diamonds

I will sing of forgiveness as the day is long

I wanna keep me out of the way

I hear Jesus in my spirit say, say

Grooves cut deep through the record of time

But the love I have for you will never die

Restoring one another is a good thing

Finely cut, and polished diamonds


Change comes harder than diamond’s

Or soft as an apology

Change through the love of our Savior King

Is the change we need

Oh what a change He brings

By Kelly Sampson Griswold

Quixotical Quest