Not by Sight

We walk by faith and not by sight.
I Corinthians 5:7

“In the good place, of Faith”

For we trust in an Almighty God
Who made Heaven and earth.
Our God has our best interests at hand and will not cower to our whims of want.
He loves us too much to let us wander in our free will, too close to the edge of danger. Our hearts hear Him calling. And He never leaves us, no matter what what we’ve done wrong. And He never will let you down. Oh what a faith building that is. If we don’t feel Him as close …
Who moved?
We all have faltered, and need a Savior, who will always take us back, forever hold us in His arms so true.

Thank you Jesus …
You lead us to the water of Your eternal life. The place where we can drink and never be thirsty again. For only You can truly satisfy us; and You never fail us.
In this place, healing waters flow. It is a place where the well never runs dry. Lord You own all the wells in the universe. Your well of Hope is eternal.
It is all that we need.
Our victory is sure with You Jesus
In you we have all that we’ll ever need.
It is in You that we live and breathe
And have our being. We were made to worship You
And become more like You each day.
In Your loving kindness, Lord we ask You to build up our faith,
In You …
Whose Glorious light is an ever shining beacon in our heart.

And so in good times or bad, happy or sad, with or without, we have You
And You are enough. kg.

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